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So far Licensing World Team has created 187 blog entries.

January 2018

City Bar of the Year


This award provides proper recognition of the significant number of city-based bars who provide a unique and varied product to both local and international customers. A City Bar is defined as any premises that is situated in one of Ireland’s listed cities: Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford or Kilkenny. All bars located in [...]

City Bar of the Year2020-02-26T15:38:45+00:00



Bar entering this category are your typical Irish Pub. It has a casual and friendly atmosphere, hearty food and drink, shows the best of Irish sports, and traditional Irish music. This bar will embody the tradition of the Irish culture. ENTER NOW 2017 Traditional Bar of the Year - Kehoe's, Dublin [...]


Innovative Bar of the Year


Sponsored By Celebrating the wonderfully different. This category recognises bars that are constantly striving to push the boundaries providing a unique experience for their customers. Judges will assess bars that demonstrate high levels of innovation in their drinks range, bar design and in all other initiatives and events run at the premises. [...]

Innovative Bar of the Year2022-06-10T10:47:47+00:00

Traditional Bar of the Year


Bar entering this category are your typical Irish Pub. It has a casual and friendly atmosphere, hearty food and drink, shows the best of Irish sports, and traditional Irish music. This bar will embody the tradition of the Irish culture. ENTER NOW 2019 Traditional Bar of the Year - Lowry's [...]

Traditional Bar of the Year2021-12-10T11:11:21+00:00

Local Bar of the Year


Bars entering the ‘local’ category should be focused on catering primarily to a local community, either rural or urban. The quality of the ‘pint’ is viewed as important and the bar needs to offer an informal atmosphere which caters to all age groups. ENTER NOW 2019 Local Bar of the Year [...]

Local Bar of the Year2020-02-27T14:06:50+00:00

June 2017

New Wine & Champagne Preservation System


Bermar's Verre de Vin Tower, distributed in Ireland by Febvre Wine Company, is destined to become the system of choice for many bars and hotels around the world. Bermar's latest wine preservation model, Le Verre de Vin Tower, which can be placed anywhere in the bar or restaurant, preserves any open bottle of [...]

New Wine & Champagne Preservation System2019-03-01T10:18:53+00:00

Find Your Perfect Match


The modern Irish pub offers an extraordinary degree of diversity in terms of both the food and drink available. Well known industry afficianado Liam Campbell elaborates on his three simple guidelines for publicans who want to create a few tasty beer and food combinations for punters The Irish pub has reinvented itself in [...]

Find Your Perfect Match2019-03-01T10:22:33+00:00

Lifting Spirits With Major Relaunch


Britvic's Club Mixers range has played a central role in Irish pub culture since 1852. This year, to celebrate the portfolio's 165th birthday, Britvic has re-launched the iconic brand across the island of Ireland with, among other things, new packaging, an improved tonic recipe, and a refreshed brand identify. An Iconic Tonic [...]

Lifting Spirits With Major Relaunch2019-03-01T10:28:10+00:00

Ireland A Drink Tourism Destination


Efforts to promote Ireland as a food tourism destination have been underway for a number of years. Now the craft beer and Irish whiskey sectors are lobbying to ensure that their products have a starring role in campaigns to promote the island of Ireland's tourism offering. Maev Martin reports On December 7th, the [...]

Ireland A Drink Tourism Destination2019-03-01T10:38:16+00:00

Irish Whiskey Believe the Hype


As Kilkenny celebrates its whiskey guild, Dublin's whiskey tours are well underway and the capital is welcoming the start of construction at the Dublin Liberties Distillery, the re-opening of the Old Jameson Distillery, and the 'next generation' of whiskies and apprentices On March 20th, the Dublin Liberties Distillery announced that construction work is [...]

Irish Whiskey Believe the Hype2019-03-01T10:41:01+00:00
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