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Free Wellbeing Supports now vailable on Fáilte Ireland’s COVID-19 Business Support Hub

The COVID-19 crisis is one of the most challenging and difficult times the tourism and hospitality industry has ever faced. Fáilte Ireland continues to work directly with thousands of businesses across the country to provide the supports and advice that they most urgently need. The National Tourism Development Authority has created an online COVID-19 Business Support Hub with a suite of of tailored business supports, including practical advice and expert webinars on key areas such as Business Liquidity and HR, as well as information on how to access Government supports and funding. 

Fáilte Ireland has now developed a range of new and free Employee Wellbeing supports to help those in the tourism industry through this difficult time, on both a professional and personal level. 

Speaking about the importance of looking after our mental health, Martina Bromley, Head of Enterprise & Hospitality Development at Fáilte Ireland, said:

“It is hugely important that we look after our mental health in these unprecedented times. Tourism business owners and those working in the industry face deep uncertainty about the future of their businesses and jobs. The anxiety and worry that COVID-19 is causing is immense so in response, we have launched wellbeing supports to help tourism businesses and their employees, as well as those who have unfortunately lost their jobs, through this difficult period.” 

The new Wellbeing Supports include:

I Am Here
The I Am Here: Rapid Response service, in partnership with PulseLearning, offers a programme of mental health support and learning within the workplace and beyond to empower employers and employees to have courageous conversations about mental health.

I Am Here recognises that employees want to connect with their fellow team members to get the help or support they may need, especially during times of crisis. This programme enables team members to signpost existing services to those who need it.

Employee Assistance Programme: Counselling and support
To provide more formal supports to those who need it, Fáilte Ireland has partnered with Inspire Workplaces to offer free and confidential access to an Employee Assistance Programme. This is available widely to tourism business owners, employees and people who are self-employed in the industry.

Inspire Workplaces offers wellbeing supports and counselling services as well as advice on financial concerns and legal issues and has a wealth of experience in supporting organisations and employees at times of crisis across Ireland.

For more information on these Employee Wellbeing Supports and how to access them, visit the Employee Wellbeing section of Fáilte Ireland’s COVID-19 Business Support Hub.

NEW Expert Webinars and Live Q&A on 
Fáilte Ireland’s COVID-19 Business Support Hub

Fáilte Ireland’s COVID-19 Business Support Hub is being updated regularly with new supports and expert webinars and guidance.

Watch Fáilte Ireland’s latest expert webinar and live Q&A, which answers questions from members of the tourism and hospitality industry around what financial supports are available to businesses, how to decide on the best funding options, forecast finance and how to prepare for asking for support from the bank. Your Content Goes Here

Watch Fáilte Ireland’s latest expert webinar and live Q&A, which answers questions from members of the tourism and hospitality industry around how to communicate with employees and manage payments during the COVID-19 crisis offers guidance on the new Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme and COVID-19 Income Support Schemes.

Contact Fáilte Ireland

If there is an area of support you think the tourism industry urgently needs, please don’t hesitate to contact Fáilte Ireland’s Business Supports team by email on business.supports@failteireland.ie or call our support desk on Lo Call 1800-242 473 (Mon–Fri 09:00–17:00)