Calling all explorer bartenders! The OPIHR Cocktail Competition is back for another year of adventure…
Entry to the competition this year is simple. Submit a cocktail creation inspired by an ingredient that is local to you and that complements OPIHR.
Post your cocktail, the ingredient and method on INSTAGRAM and explain the story behind the ingredient, make sure to tag the picture @opihrgin, use #OpihrWorld in the description and geotag the bar where you work.
Closing Date for entrees for the Irish and NI market is July 31st
The top ten most inspiring recipes will be chosen and this year, we will visit you for in-bar judging. The top 3 will then fly to LONDON to compete in the UK and Ireland Finals in August!
The overall winner will represent the UK and Ireland in the global final in Venice.
Minimum 35ml Opihr Gin
Homemade Ingredients welcome, please explain the method clearly
Maximum 5 ingredients excluding garnish